Corporate Leadership


A portrait photo of Kenta Kurahashi

Kenta Kurahashi

CEO(Chief Executive Officer)

A portrait photo of Naoki Shibayama

Naoki Shibayama


A portrait photo of Keitaro Takayanagi

Keitaro Takayanagi


A portrait photo of Kaoru Matsuzawa

Kaoru Matsuzawa

Outside Director

A portrait photo of Masamune Mimura

Masamune Mimura

Outside Director

Corporate Auditors

A portrait photo of Keiji Goto

Keiji Goto

Corporate Auditor

福島 史之のバストアップ写真

Fumiyuki Fukushima

Outside Corporate Auditor

A portrait photo of Kenji Yamanami

Kenji Yamanami

Outside Corporate Auditor

Executive Officers

A portrait photo of Tomoe Kitai

Tomoe Kitai

Executive Officer and CPO (Chief People Officer)

A portrait photo of Yuichiro Kuwano

Yuichiro Kuwano

Executive Officer and CGO (Chief Growth Officer)

A portrait photo of Kenichi Suzuki

Kenichi Suzuki

Executive Officer and CDO (Chief Design Officer)

A portrait photo of Yuki Makino

Yuki Makino

Executive Officer and CTO (Chief Technology Officer)

A portrait photo of Yu Yanagisawa

Yu Yanagisawa

Executive Officer and CVO (Chief Value Officer)

A portrait photo of Kyouhei Yamada

Kyohei Yamada

Executive Officer and COO (Chief Operating Officer)

A portrait photo of Jun Kuhasana

Jun Kuhasana

Executive Officer and VP of Core Platform

A portrait photo of Yusuke Takahashi

Yusuke Takahashi

Executive Officer and VP of Finance

A portrait photo of Naohiko Takemura

Naohiko Takemura

Executive Officer and VP of Engineering & Product, Ecosystem

A portrait photo of So Nishina

So Nishina

Executive Officer and VP of STUDIO ZERO

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