
We believe corporate governance is about ensuring compliance and equitable, highly transparent business management in order to continuously improve our corporate value as we maintain the soundness of the business. To this end, PLAID Group, led by our company, strives to build necessary governance structures.
We will continue to build and implement these structures that suit the needs of that time based on constant reconsideration.

Corporate Governance Reports

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors and Board of Corporate Auditors

Our Board of Directors consists of five directors (including two outside director). In addition to the regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors, extraordinary meetings are held as necessary to make decisions on important matters and to supervise the directors in the performance of their duties.
The Board of Corporate Auditors consists of one full-time corporate auditor and two part-time outside corporate auditors. The Board of Corporate Auditors meets once a month to exchange information, discuss, and make resolutions on important audit-related matters. Each corporate auditor also participates in Board of Directors meetings and audits the performance of directors in their duties.
Our directors and corporate auditors have an attendance rate of 100% at board meetings, where they actively engage in free and constructive discussions.In order to allocate sufficient time for discussion, proposals to be submitted to board meetings are first thoroughly discussed at a management committee comprised of internal directors, corporate auditors and executive officers.
Additionally, in order to promote understanding of our business by our outside officers, we provide them with opportunities to attend not only Board of Directors meetings, but a variety of other meetings as necessary. This includes conferences between our directors and corporate auditors, liaison meetings with internal auditors and external accounting auditors.

Nomination and Remuneration of Directors and Corporate Auditors

Nomination of Directors and Corporate Auditors

We have established criteria for the election and dismissal of directors and corporate auditors. The criteria are intended to assure that those elected are able to respond to the mandate of shareholders, maintain the diversity of the experience and expertise of Board of Directors members, and further strengthen the Board of Directors.
Corporate Governance Reports
The skill matrices of the members of the Board of Directors is as follows:

NameCorporate Planning
and Management
TechnologySales and MarketingLegalAccountingAuditGlobal
Kenta Kurahashi
Naoki Shibayama
Keitaro Takayanagi
Kaoru Matsuzawa
Masamune Mimura
Keiji Goto
Kenji Yamanami
Fumiyuki Fukushima

We have marked the skills that we require from each board member (maximum 4 items).

We are a technology company with a mission to "Maximize the Value of People with the Power of Data" With the constantly changing business environment, along with the general operation and management in the technology sector, for SaaS business in the initial growth phase it is very important to promptly and precisely implement sales, marketing and product development strategies in order to achieve sustainable growth and enhance our corporate value in the mid to long term.
In order for our company to further scale our business in competition with the domestic and overseas players who dominate the field, we cannot avoid investing in growth (including M&A) and global expansion. For this reason, we have selected Corporate Management, Technology, Sales and Marketing, and Globalization as the skills we need to equip ourselves in our current situation. In order to achieve sustainable growth and increase the corporate value over the medium to long term, steadfast management decisions in the areas such as corporate governance, risk management, and compliance are extremely important, as is the supervision of said decisions. In order to scale up our business, we will also need to build a strong financial base and promote financial strategies. This requires solid knowledge and experience in the field of finance and accounting backed by practical business experience. Therefore, we have also selected "Law," "Financial Accounting," and "Auditing" as part of the key skills we need.

Remuneration of Directors

In addition to legal and regulatory compliance, we are working to achieve compliance with high ethical standards and a sense of responsibility in our daily operations. The Risk Management Committee, which consists of internal directors, corporate auditors, and other members from relevant departments, conducts assessments of our business risks. At the same time, it discusses various issues related to compliance and other matters, promotes company-wide cooperation and integration, and provides advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors as necessary.
Corporate Governance Reports
For the purpose of early resolution and prevention of compliance violations, we have also established a whistle-blowing system that allows employees to contact an external lawyer. We make sure all of our officers and employees are informed of this system and take immediate action as soon as a report is received.

In order to ensure the appropriateness of the nomination and remuneration of directors, as well as the transparency and objectivity of the decision-making process, the Board of Directors decides on the specific details of nominations and remuneration after first deliberating these matters at meetings with outside directors.


In addition to legal and regulatory compliance, we are working to achieve compliance with high ethical standards and a sense of responsibility in our daily operations. The Risk Management Committee, which consists of internal directors, corporate auditors, and other members from relevant departments, conducts assessments of our business risks. At the same time, it discusses various issues related to compliance and other matters, promotes company-wide cooperation and integration, and provides advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors as necessary.
For the purpose of early resolution and prevention of compliance violations, we have also established a whistle-blowing system that allows employees to contact an external lawyer. We make sure all of our officers and employees are informed of this system and take immediate action as soon as a report is received.

Anti-corruption and Other Initiatives

In order to ensure proper corporate governance and business operations, we strive to prevent corruption including conflict of interest transactions, related party transactions, bribery and corruption, and insider trading among our officers and employees.
In addition to the development of internal regulations regarding these matters, our directors and corporate auditors are required to undergo regular monitoring.

As a result of these efforts, we have not had any major compliance incidents, disputes, or other issues to date.